Seleno Health

Seleno Health Cacao Ceremony

Main Tent

Sally Huapaya (Peru), Pamela Chipana (Peru), Corin Storkey (NZ) and Kelly Smith (NZ) will take you through a traditional Amazonian cacao ceremonial preparation and share the ancestral wisdom of this ancient master plant. Showing you how you can connect more deeply and be guided by cacao to bring new direction and change into your modern world. 

Sally Huapaya is a native Peruvian of Andean descent, with a Bachelor in engineering and ancestral knowledge of traditional Peruvian medicinal plants and Andean cosmovision. Working with wisdom keepers, teachers, archaeologists, historians and farmers in Peru and Mexico she has compiled the most comprehensive information of the ancestral journey and meaning of cacao. She shares this through workshops, her online cacao course and in-person cacao initiations in Peru at their annual retreat. Come along and hear the untold story of cacao from indigenous wisdom holders.

Pamela Chipana, a Peruvian educator rooted in Andean and Amazonian wisdom, shares sacred traditions about master plants. Drawing from her Chankan-Andean lineage, she aims to foster a healing bond with these plants, encouraging reverence for Pachamama. Through teachings on Andean and Amazonian cosmovision, she integrates these principles into cacao practices. As a Yoga instructor, Pamela hosts Peru retreats linking people to Andean and Amazonian medicines.

Kelly Smith, a certified cacao facilitator, empowers seekers to embrace cacao through ceremony and personal practice. With a trauma-sensitive approach, she guides exploration of ceremonial medicine, yin yoga, sound healing, and meditation. Incorporating poetic ritual and natural energies, Kelly fosters safe, sacred spaces, drawing from her soul-led journey to help others find their true path.

Dr Corin Storkey (PhD – Med Chem) has over 15 years of academic and research experience, specialising in medicinal antioxidant chemistry, oxidative diseases, cellular protection and health. He holds a PhD in medicinal chemistry from the University of Melbourne and the Heart Research Institute. He has previously struggled with and overcome chronic fatigue syndrome and promotes an integrative and holistic approach to managing chronic health conditions. He currently leads the New Zealand based Andean/Amazonian plant medicine research program that studies ancestral plants and substantiates their traditions through biochemical analysis.



Morag Brownlie

