Erin Zen Warrior

Deprogram from the Matrix with Human Design

Tent Talks

"Manifestation" is perhaps one of the most over used buzzwords of this time.  Ever wonder why sometimes your "manifestation" goes horribly wrong.

Human Design is a useful tool to help us to self remember and embrace who we were born to be and how we were designed to create and receive - i.e. manifest.   This session will look at the five energy types, seven authorities and the strategies, self themes and not self themes that highlight our contrast and alignment.  Promoting more self awareness, love and ultimately creativity of the life you want to live.   

You will all be encouraged to download your own free chart so that you can relate to your energy design and ask questions during the discussion.

Introducing Erin - Zen Warrior. 

Born into a movement family of martial arts yoga and body building Erin was destined to step into my somewhat self-created vocation. Growing up amongst the zen tradition and with her hands in the earth, a strong connection to movement was built as an essential way to move emotion. As a young adult Erin began her search, ditching law and commerce and beginning embarking overseas. It wasn’t until a pilgrimage to India and the Himalayas at age 25 that finally she heard the ancient message of the yogi’s: “Balance is key”. From here began the evolution of a new approach to her health and the health of her clients: “find your hum”. A balance based approach which eventually led to continue work inspired by her guru: working successfully with posture, chronic disease and transcendence. Erin is unapologetically and dynamically herself, a true rebel. Her desire = for you to also become unapologetically and dynamically yourself. Do you want to find your warrior self and thrive? After 18 years of evolving the warrior method Erin is happy to expand further out into the world and teach the 

crafts that resurrected so much joy, health and youth in herself and all of her students.



Charl Ekstein


George Johnsto